This Great Salvation
What is Scripture all about? What makes the writings of the Old and New Testaments unique? In this sermon on salvation from Romans 10:11–13 titled “This Great Salvation,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones preaches on how Paul appeals to the Old Testament prophet Isaiah to show that salvation is for all who believe, both Jew and Gentile. Scripture reveals the one unified plan of salvation brought to pass in Jesus Christ. It speaks as one voice to humanity and declares that God has acted in Jesus Christ so that sinners can be saved. Those who want to do away with the Old Testament are in great danger of not only disregarding God’s holy Word, but they are also in danger of perverting the message of salvation. The whole Old Testament looks forward to when Jesus would come and die to save Jews and Gentiles. The message of Scripture is not an irrelevant one; it is the only message of salvation and forgiveness of sins.