Sin and the Christian
There are many aberrant teachings on the doctrine of sanctification. Some like to say the believer is completely hopeless with regards to sin but is this true? Must the Christian only focus on “abiding” in Christ? Does the regenerate person have no power to act against sin? Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones vehemently denies such claims. In his sermon on Romans 8:12–13 titled “Sin and the Christian,” he says the Christian is indeed not hopeless. Instead, the believer is called to realize the truth about their union with Christ. Furthermore, they must not deny the doctrine of regeneration through an insufficient doctrine of sanctification. The Holy Spirit has made them alive and the Spirit of God dwells in them. This gives the Christian power in this life for godly growth. As they walk through this life they should expect maturity. The Christian is far from hopeless in their fight against sin. They have all that they need in Christ and by the Spirit. Dr. Lloyd-Jones admonishes Christians to wake up from their lethargy and realize what God has done to them in Christ. Let them march to Zion, shining forth in good works and glorifying their Father who is in heaven.