Sin and the Body
The Christian is called to deal with sin in a radical way. The language the apostle Paul uses is “to mortify flesh.” But what exactly does this mean? How does the Christian kill sin? In this sermon on Romans 8:12–13 titled “Sin and the Body,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones examines the passage and looks deeper into the doctrine of sanctification. Specifically, he gives attention to the practical expression of sanctification. He gives both negative ways to mortify sin and positive expressions. What must be remembered, he says, is that the Christian is not powerless against sin. Many false views of the doctrine of sanctification teach this. However, the biblical teaching is that the believer has the Holy Spirit indwelling them. They cannot rely on joyless legalism. Instead, they gaze their attention on the glorification that awaits them. While the Christians practically shun darkness, lust, and enticement, they also expose and denounce immediately any evil that comes out. More importantly, they remember that they are God’s chosen means of representing Him to the world. Listen as Dr. Lloyd-Jones gives a pastorally-sensitive message on sanctification and holiness.