For All Sinned
The Bible tells that all humans are guilty of sin. In this sermon on Romans 5:12–21 “For All Sinned”, Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones dives deeper into this truth to discover the magnitude of what this actually means. He begins by showing through Scripture that sin goes all the way back to the first sin of Adam. Death, the punishment of sin, was passed to all generations through the first act of sin by Adam. He points out how this means sin and its consequences were evident even before the law was given. Adam’s sin was imputed to all humanity from the very beginning, causing all to be guilty of sin. However, Dr. Lloyd-Jones does not stop there and instead goes on to show the parallel between the relationship with Adam and the relationship with Jesus. The same way that Adam imputed sin to humanity through his actions, Jesus likewise imputed His righteousness to them. Just as one offense brought death to all humanity, so also Jesus’s one act of obedience put all offenses aside in forgiveness. He concludes by showing the beauty of the justification Jesus brought in light of this parallel.