Pray with Christians in Nigeria
Join in prayer with our brother in Christ from Nigeria as he prays for his nation.
Nearly all Christians in northeastern Nigeria have lost family members or friends in attacks by Boko Haram or militant Fulani Muslims. It takes great courage and faith to openly worship and serve Christ in that part of Nigeria.
The first request of persecuted Christians is “Pray for us!” The Lord desires that his children pray for one another and with one another. Through this short video, you can join in prayer with our brothers and sisters in Nigeria, which is classified as a hostile area for Christians by The Voice of the Martyrs.
Every Saturday through Easter, a new prayer video will be posted from a front-line worker praying for a hostile area or restricted nation. These videos will inspire your own faith as you fellowship with our brothers and sisters around the world through prayer.
#prayerfornigeria #persecutedchurch #lentenseason #christianprayer #praywithus