Pray with Christians in Kenya
The first request of persecuted Christians is "Pray for us!" The Lord desires that his children pray for one another and with one another. Through this short video, you can join in prayer with our brothers and sisters in Kenya, which is classified as a hostile area for Christians by The Voice of the Martyrs.
During this Lenten season, you are invited into a special season of prayer for and fellowship with members of our Christian family serving persecuted Christians around the world. Our prayer is that every member of the body of Christ who joins in this season of prayer will be inspired and encouraged as we gather in fellowship.
As we enter into this season of prayer, join a front-line worker in Kenya as he prays for his country. While 78% of Kenyans are Christian, believers cannot openly discuss their faith in Christ in areas with an ethnic-Somali majority or in areas near the northern border. Witnessing for Christ in these areas brings risk of losing families, livelihoods and good standing in the community.
Each Saturday until Easter, a new prayer video will be posted, giving you a unique opportunity to pray for and pray with our brothers and sisters as they lead us in prayer for specific countries, regions and people. Will you join in prayer throughout this season as the global body of Christ remembers Jesus’ death and celebrates his resurrection?
#prayerforkenya #persecutedchurch #lentenseason #christianprayer #praywithus