Nick Nilson | Inside Job (2019)
You can come to God just as you are. He already knows every mistake you'll ever make and He does not love you any less for it. The areas of weakness we try so hard to clean up on our own are the very areas God wants to help us transform through the power of His Spirit.
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Key Scriptures 🕊:
Ephesians 3 verses 17-20
Romans 8 verse 11
Jeremiah 29 verse 11
Philippians 1 verse 6
Matthew 23 verse 25 through 26
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Key Points 🗝
13:05 Self-reliance is a temporary solution that leads to exhaustion
18:44 Listen to Jesus. Jesus says come just as you are, religion says clean yourself up first.
23:40 Don't give up, God is the Architect of your life and He has a good plan for you.