New Life Church | Daily Devo - Kevin Little
Today, Pastor Kevin wraps up our journey through James 2. Do you have a faith that stands out in the culture and community that you live in? The third thing we are challenged with in this passage is to RACE to benefit others. What if we felt that same excitement of winning a race about helping others? What if we walked into a room and FIRST thought, "Where can my strength BENEFIT others?" What about your driving? What if your driving benefitted others? What if we moved through life ask, "God would you show me needs, show me where the mercy you've given me can be passed on where mercy can triumph over judgment in my life and it can be passed onto others as I encounter other people?" What do you do when you're the most powerful person in the room? You leverage that power to the benefit of the other people in the room. What would be the impact? Who are the needy in your community that you can help? Remember, the reason James wrote this is he's challenging us, "Do you have a faith that stands out in your community and culture?" People are not taking notice of angry social media posts in an attractive manner. It's not drawing them to Jesus. But if we repent of our tribalism, recognize our weakness, then start as a Church to race to benefit others, that is a faith that stands out in our community and in our culture. That is the invitation from James to us.
James 2:14
Do you have a faith that stands out in the culture and community that you live in? Invite Jesus to drop in ideas of people you can help in your community.
Repent of your tribalism, recognize your weakness, and race to benefit others! Choose to live for Jesus' glory today!