New Life Church | Daily Devo - Kevin Atkinson & David Bunting
Today Kevin Atkinson and David Bunting talk about what heaven is going to be like—incomparable to any experience we can have here on earth! Think about the amazing things God has done here on earth for you, and choose to be thankful for those things you can appreciate! They talk also about the three symbols in a Jewish wedding: a marriage contract, a torchlight parade waiting for the groom to come, and finally the marriage supper, which declares the marriage is complete. In heaven, you'll never have to experience pain, grief, and sorrow!
1 Corinthians 2:9
Can you join Christ on this journey today?
Spend time thanking God for all the good things He has in store for us, both in the now and in His eternal kingdom. Pray that the Lord will keep you mindful of those around you who may not know Him yet.