New Life Church | Daily Devo - Hunter Bezet
Today Pastor Hunter Bezet addresses two reasons people tend to discount Proverbs. One, they discount Solomon because of what happened later in his reign. At the beginning of his reign, he got this part right, he needed wisdom and God gave it to him. Secondly, people discount Proverbs because it seems like Solomon is writing it just to his sons, not everybody else. But we know the Bible is inspired by God, every word is approved by Him! Because of that, it's written from God to you and me for the purpose of making our lives easier, more abundant and free if we follow it! So rread them with an open mind, understanding there are things that will challenge us. "Wisdom is the ability to apply spiritual truths to life's realities."--Tony Evans. We want blessing in our home, but what words of the wicked are we allowing into our house? Negative words? What about words coming in through media devices?
Proverbs 11:11; Proverbs 12:1,11,16
What words of the wicked are you inadvertently allowing into your house, whether through media devices or your own negative words?
Read the book of Proverbs, asking God to reveal some things in your life, even asking the bold question, "Is there anything in me that has gotten off track?"