New Life Church | Daily Devo - Tanner Bezet
Today, Tanner Bezet talks about his favorite TV show, "Lost." Have you ever said or thought, "If a miracle doesn't happen, I'm gonna be lost forever...I'm never gonna find a spouse...I'm always gonna be stuck!" Zacchaeus, a man in the New Testament, also felt this way! He wasn't even accepted by his own people. Sometimes we feel lost because we allow insecurity overtake our lives. Insecurity is defined as anxiety about yourself, whether your appearance, your popularity, your finances, and other things. Zachaeus was short, nobody liked him, and his wealth was from what he stole from others. When he heard Jesus coming into town, he made an effort to see Him. Wherever you are, if you're dealing with insecurity, when we make an effort to see Jesus, go to a life group, grow deeper, confess to a friend, God sees you and want to help change you.
Luke 19:1-10
What are you afraid to let go of?
When we say, "God I need you, and I give you my insecurity (or whatever you're hanging onto). When you give Him what you've got, He can do something with that!