Grace: The Power Of The Gospel - Week 4, Day 5 - The Gospel Truth
Andrew Wommack’s daily TV program: Gospel Truth To subscribe to Andrew’s email newsletter: Many Christians believe their salvation depends at least in part on their performance. Even though they believe that Jesus died for their sin, they think that there is still a certain standard to meet. If that is true, then what is the standard, and how do you know when you have met it? When you understand the Apostle Paul's revelation in the book of Romans about what Jesus did, you will never have to wonder if you're meeting that standard again. It's not what you do but what Jesus did!
00:17 Welcome to our Friday's broadcast of the Gospel Truth.
2:16 Prior to meeting Jesus and being born again, you sinned because it was your nature to sin. Once you get born again, your nature has been changed and if you just knew the truth, if you quit identifying with that old sinful nature, and if you knew who you were in Christ, you would live free from sin because your nature has been changed.
10:53 The Law was to get you to quit trusting in yourself.
15:14 The Law isn't made for a righteous man. The Law is made for a person who doesn't know the Lord.
19:14 The Law will bring us to that place where we realize we need a Savior.
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