FOCUS Week 4 | The Studio (Elementary)
BIBLE STORY: Reach Out I’ll Be There (Peter Goes to the House of Cornelius) • Acts 10
BOTTOM LINE: Knowing Jesus changes the way you see others.
MEMORY VERSE: Faith is being sure of what we hope for. It is being sure of what we do not see. Hebrews 11:1 (NIrV)
LIFE APP: Faith—Trusting in what you can’t see because of what you can see
FAMILY ACTIVITY: Colorful Change
WHAT YOU NEED: whole milk, shallow pan, food coloring, cotton swab, dish soap
WHAT YOU DO: Pour the milk into the pan, filling it to about a half-inch deep. Let everyone take turns dropping a couple of drops of food coloring into the pan, spacing out the drops and colors. Make sure everyone knows not to bump or shake the pan. Then dip one end of a cotton swab into some dish soap—saturating it, but not so much that it drips soap droplets into the pan of milk. Carefully dip the cotton swab next to a drop of color and watch the reaction. Do this a few times, so everyone has a chance to give it a try. See how many designs and swirls you can make before all the colors start to run together.
Talk about how the soap changed the way the cotton swab interacted with the milk. In a similar way, knowing Jesus changed the way Peter saw Cornelius and his friends and his family. Jesus came for everyone and made a way for all people to be together, no matter what their differences are.
*Why did Peter think he couldn’t go into Cornelius’s house? (It was against Jewish law for a Jewish person to go inside the house of someone who wasn’t Jewish.)
*What happened that made Peter think it was okay for him to go visit Cornelius? (God showed Peter in a vision that He was making new rules.)
*What did Peter do once he was at Cornelius’s house? (Peter told Cornelius and everyone in his home how Jesus died and was raised again so everyone can be forgiven; Peter baptized Cornelius and his family/friends.)
*If Peter hadn’t gone to Cornelius’s house and shared about Jesus, what do you think might have happened?
*Why is it sometimes hard to accept or love those who are different from us?
Use this prayer as a guide, either after talking about the Bible story or some time before bed tonight:
“Dear God, we want to be people who see others the way You see them. We know that You value each and every person You made. We want to value others, too—no matter what we might have in common or what our differences might be. Help us to see people as You see them and forgive us when we fall short of that. Thank You for loving us the way You do. In Jesus' name, amen.”
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