Episode 6: The Sheepdog
Pastor as shepherd. It’s the most common motif for men in the ministry. But pastors are also sheepdogs. They guard the flock that the Chief Shepherd entrusts to them. Throughout his 50 plus years of pastoral ministry, John MacArthur has taken on the role of sheepdog, defending the truth against those who oppose it and protecting God’s people from those who would harm them. This episode focuses on the years 2007-2013, when the flock faced a particular threat, and John defended it in a public way. In this story, pastors will see when, and how, they must take on the role of sheepdog in service of their Master.
Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/episode-6-the-sheepdog/id1568514256?i=1000534686282
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/7H6vwirWmAs4KCDE8MFXYr?si=A9KW3dDdSmSebEMie7vdiw&dl_branch=1
For more information about The MacArthur Center for Expository Preaching: https://macarthurcenter.org