Black History Month: Week 2, Day 1 - Gospel Truth TV
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For over ten years, Andrew has dedicated a number of Gospel Truth programs to interviewing David Barton, who is described as America’s historian and whose organization, WallBuilders, has fought to restore truth and righteousness in America. Back in 2009, Andrew and David talked about the Christian foundation and history of our country. In 2013, they teamed up again to discuss the historical importance of Thanksgiving, one of our biggest holidays. Finally, in celebration of Black History Month this year, David and his son Tim appeared on Andrew’s show to share how black people have shaped and preserved America to be a Christian nation. These powerful sessions have been packaged together for you in an updated God and Country series. You’ll be informed and inspired when you learn how God’s hand has historically been at work in America. Find out the truth so you can begin making a difference in your circle of influence!
The new God and Country series is available for a gift of $55 or more! It will come with the three series of interviews that you can get on CD or As-Seen-on-TV DVD: The Foundation, Thanksgiving, and Black History Month.
God and Country products (suggested donation)
God and Country CD album ($55)
God and Country As-Seen-on-TV DVD album ($55)
Go to or call our Helpline at 719-635-1111 to get this powerful package! These resources will not only give you the truth but also empower you to share it with those around you. Order today!
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00:34 Welcome to our Monday’s broadcast of The Gospel Truth
03:13 But there was racism there because one group of blacks didn't like the other group of blacks, so there was definitely racism, so there was slaughter on one side.
09:55 I really liked the story about the guy when they went to get the second-in-command of the British.
13:34 From Rhode Island, the first Rhode Island regiment was a black regiment and it was not slaves. It was free blacks, and it was a ferocious regiment.
17:03 Because it will be an epiphany for people to find out the three-fifths clause is not a clause against the worth of the individual.
20:54 He said, as a doctor, he said, cities are like boils on the body. They're the center of all the impuritiåes in the body, because they saw a boil as where all the impurities went.