BP This Week: Christians and the Coronavirus
John Stonestreet and Shane Morris talk about the proper Christian response to the coronavirus pandemic. Where is our trust? Are we looking out for the welfare of our neighbors? How have Christians in times past handled health crises?
Also on today's episode: Volunteers step up in the Volunteer State after tornadoes hit; Joe Biden's laundry list of pro-LGBT goodies that will steamroll religious freedom and freedom of conscience; Hollywood's reaction to Harvey Weinstein's conviction; and Ohio seeks to prohibit targeting Down Syndrome babies with abortion and how the pro-abortion lobby is showing its hypocrisy.
Resources: “C. S. Lewis and the Coronavirus,” by John Stonestreet and Roberto Rivera, BreakPoint
C. S. Lewis Doodle: “On Living in the Atomic Age, by C. S. Lewis”
“Brush with the Black Death: how artists painted through the plague,” by Jonathan Jones, The Guardian
“NHS gender clinic ‘should have challenged me more’ over transition,” by Allison Holt, BBC
“Biden Unveils Vast LGBT Plan Overturning Trump’s Religious Liberty Protections,” by Michael Foust, Christian Headlines