BP This Week: The Coronavirus . . . from a Christian Worldview Perspective
John Stonestreet and Shane Morris devote this week's entire episode to applying a Christian worldview to all the issues surrounding the coronavirus: including discerning the media; trusting our leaders; jobs and the economy to our 401(k)s; how Christians maintain social distancing yet support our neighbors as our ancient Christian forebears did in times of plague; how we bring a consistent ethic of respecting all lives in a time of pandemic and limited medical resources.
They also talk about special upcoming Colson Center events. See our resources listed below.
Resources: Colson Center Short Course: How the Church can Respond to Culture’s Brokenness. Includes special session with Ed Stetzer on a Christian response to the coronavirus.
A Crash Course in Christian Worldview and Culture. FREE 5-day course for parents and students. Begins March 23!
“This Is Your Brain on Google” by John Stonestreet and Maria Baer, BreakPoint
Why You Think the Way You Do: The Story of Western Worldviews from Rome to Home by Dr. Glenn Sunshine