A Better Way to Pray - Week 2, Day 1 - The Gospel Truth
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Andrew teaches on how prayer is something that every Christian knows they need to do, but very few Christians feel like they do it successfully. In this series, Andrew counters many modern religious traditions about prayer and establishes a foundation upon which a rewarding and effective prayer life can be built upon.
00:10 Andrew continues to teach on A Better Way to Pray, started one week ago.
03:55 The difference in new testament prayer is that there is now only one mediator. Jesus Christ
07:20 Jesus has reconciled us unto God and you do not need to pray the same way that they prayed in the old testament.
10:10 This is kind of funny, God tells Moses to go and see his people (Moses') who did corrupt themselves.
12:44 This is an amazing thing that God could be influenced by man. Moses was able to do this in the old testament. This is a reflection of His graciousness.
15:56 The fact that God repented or changed shows God's love towards us.
16:53 Moses got God to be reconciled unto men. In 2 Cor 5:19 it is clear that God was in Christ Jesus reconciling men unto himself. How much more Jesus Christ. So we pray in a different way.
19:50 Satan is trying to destroy America and other nations and the Godly influence that they have had on the world.
22:42 A Better Way to Pray resources
24:02 One-time donation and other videos in this series.
Andrew Wommack Ministries