A Better Way to Pray - Week 2, Day 4 - The Gospel Truth
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Andrew teaches on how prayer is something that every Christian knows they need to do, but very few Christians feel like they do it successfully. In this series, Andrew counters many modern religious traditions about prayer and establishes a foundation upon which a rewarding and effective prayer life can be built upon.
00:08 Andrew continues to teach on A Better Way to Pray.
03:00 The new testament intercessor only enforces what Jesus has already done.
03:45 The spirit of the Lord is upon me.
06:45 Andrew recounts his story of how God changed him from an introvert to ministering to millions of people.
09:59 You do not need to beg God for what He has already done.
12:40 Andrew speaks faith instead of fears or hopes.
15:10 By his stripes you have already been healed.
18:15 Please God help us, is not resisting it is begging.
21:34 One time donation and other videos in this series.
Andrew Wommack Ministries