20 Questions with Pastor Mike (Episode 30)
Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference:
0:00 - Introduction
1. 0:23 [Movies/Shows Taking the Lord’s Name in Vain] There is so much debate going on among me, my family, and friends regarding watching movies or TV shows that use the Lord’s name in vain. Like saying “Oh my G…” or when they get angry and say “J..C...” Could you shed some light on this, please? Is there anything in the bible that tells us if it’s wrong or right to watch these movies even if we ourselves don’t use the Lord’s name in vain?
2. 8:30 [Are We Free from the Enemy’s Power?] In one of your videos, you said some things have been provided on the cross but not fully finished. One of them was being free from the Enemy’s power. Isn't that finished? (Colossians 1: 13, Acts 26: 18)
3. 14:55 [Question about Priesthoods] Could you please explain the difference between the Aaronic, Levitical, and Melchizedekian priesthoods?
4. 21:09 [Understanding OT Commands for Death] How does one justify God's directive to kill all the Amalekites, specifically the children, and even infants in 1 Samuel 15:3?
5. 27:24 [Should good teachers teach w/false teachers?] What would be your opinion on pastors with sound doctrine who share stages with false prophets? Will they be considered guilty by association?
6. 30:08 [About God’s Discipline/Correction] Hebrews 12:5-6 quotes Proverbs 3: 11-12. Why does the end of v. 6 say “scourge,” not “correct”? I get the first part, but to say God brutally whips EVERY believer “sounds” like a misquote. What does it imply?
8. 36:36 [About Sin and Death] James 1:15 ends with "…and sin, when full-grown, brings forth death." If we are in Christ, what does he mean by “death”? Is he speaking about unbelievers? Any insight to this verse would be helpful!
9. 41:54 [Growing Closer to the Holy Spirit] I'm struggling with trusting and wanting Christ. How do you stop keeping the Holy Spirit at an arm's length distance, spiritually?
10. 44:48 [Does Luke teach “Purgatory”?] Does Luke 12: 44-48 teach Purgatory? There are 4 servants: The faithful, the one sent to unbelievers, and then two others that only receive punishment, not casting out.
11. 52:00 [Is Nudity in Art o.k. for Christians?] A lot of classical art has nudity in it, like the statue of David. How should Christians approach this art? Is it o.k. to like it, or to make art similar to it?
12. 54:38 [About OT Law & Morality] I am having trouble understanding the morality of Deuteronomy 22: 28-29. Some say it is consensual, but this contradicts 2 Samuel 13: 14-16. How do you interpret and justify the morality of this law?
13. 1:01:56 [A Biblical View of Self-Worth] We are talking about self-worth in a young ladies group and I wanted to ask, “What is the biblical view of self-worth?”
14. 1:06:10 [Overcoming the Sin of Pride] How do you deal with pride? I find it paradoxical; I often get proud of how humble I am when I notice my pride, thus leading to more pride. It just goes into an infinite regress of layers of pride.
15. 1:08:08 [Loving our Neighbor During Quarantine Times] In what ways can we love our neighbor and live lives that honor God in times like these, when many of us can't congregate and instead spend a lot of time at home?
16. 1:10:04 [About “Jesus Ben Ananias”] What do you think about the claim that Jesus Christ was based off of Jesus Ben Ananias in Josephus’ Jewish War?
17. 1:15:25 [Drawing Close to God when it Feels Difficult] I have felt cut off from the Lord. When I pray, I wonder if I am talking to myself and if everything I hold dear is wishful thinking. Why won't God help me when I am crying out to Him?
18. 1:21:17 [About Military Service / Self-Defense] Is a will to fight for this country in opposition to a faith in Jesus? Furthermore, is there provision in Scripture for self-preservation from things such as home invasion, foreign threats, etc.?
19. 1:23:15 [Did Jesus Lie?] Why does it seem like Jesus lied to His brothers in John 7:8-10?
20. 1:26:12 [Christian vs. Non-Christian “Fruit”] What is the difference in the gifts of the Spirit in a Christian and non-Christians displaying the same gifts such as patience, gentleness, peace, etc.?
Every Friday at 1pm PT
Here’s how you get your questions answered in the Q&A
1) Please reread your question before you ask to ensure that it will make sense to me. Clarity is paramount.
2) Wait till we go live before asking. We don’t take questions until then.
3) Put a “Q” at the beginning of your question.
4) Please only ask once, our mods are checking the chat continually.
5) I’m truly sorry if I’m unable to get to your question. I know its a bummer, but I am doing my best.
6) If you arrive late we may have already gathered 20 questions. Please check the live chat to see if we are full on Qs. Thanks!
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