20 Questions with Pastor Mike (Episode 64)
0:00 - Intro
1. 0:33 {About “Binding and Loosing”} In Matthew 16: 19, what does the Bible mean in terms of "binding" and "loosing," and how do we rightly understand and apply that concept today?
2. 25:28 {Giving to Different Ministries} If I don't feel edified by the watered-down milk preaching at my local church, it is wrong to give less money to the local church and more money to online ministries that I spend hours listening to?
3. 28:50 {Should we “Cut Someone Off” in Life?} How do I know if I am doing the right thing by cutting off a very toxic family member?
4. 31:32 {Defending the Trinity} What are your thoughts on the argument against the Trinity that points out the lack of a Trinitarian controversy (like that of Nicaea) in the time of Acts and the writing of the New Testament?
5. 33:36 {About False Prophets} How should we interpret Deuteronomy 13:6-9? Part of chapter is often used on Mormons for Joseph Smith being a false prophet...but if rejecting a false prophet is required, would it follow that this is required, too? This chapter - all or nothing?
6. 38:38 {“Being the Light” in Difficult Situations} As a new believer, I feel I won’t be able to go to my sister-in-law’s house again because they smoke weed at every gathering. How do I find balance between being the light & not being in certain situations?
7. 41:19 {Leading with Confidence, Not Cockiness} I just came into a lead role in a local ministry where many of the other adults are older than I. I want to be confident, but not cocky; Firm, but able to learn. Any tips?
8. 44:52 {About Cult Shunning/Shaming} How can we differentiate the instructions given by Paul in 1 Corinthians 5: 11 & by Jesus in Matthew 18: 15-17 with the shunning/shaming practices of certain cults like Jehovah’s Witnesses, Mormons, etc.?
9. 49:01 {About Jesus’ Suffering} Did Jesus need to have suffered the most pain ever for Him to be worthy to save us? How should we answer the objection that some people have supposedly suffered worse pain, i.e. from torture or the Holocaust?
10. 52:29 {Praying for and Trusting in God’s Will} How should I pray? I prayed for my husband's health, and shortly thereafter, he died suddenly & unexpectedly. Oftentimes, I feel that my will is out of sync with Yahweh's. It hurts.
11. 55:36 {Do Modern Translations Hide Mythology?} Why do modern translations hide so much mythology? Leviathan and Behemoth are animals. Isaiah 34: 14, Lillith is an owl. Psalm 96: 5, Gods are idols and not demons. I fear this leads to materialism.
12. 59:46 {Witnessing Well at Work} I've had some really good conversations with friends at work about being a Christian. What are some good tips for me to continue talking to them without it seeming like I'm pushing it on them?
13. 1:02:26 {Who are the Nicolaitans?} Who are the Nicolaitans that are mentioned in Revelation 2:6?
14. 1:04:43 {Who Recorded Job 1:6?} Job 1:6 states that angels and Satan present themselves before the Lord and they proceed to have a conversation about Job in the ensuing verses. Who was there to witness and record the conversation?
15. 1:08:08 {About Noah’s Ark & Animals} How did the animals get onto Noah's ark?
16. 1:11:03 {The Correct Way to Pray} When I pray, sometimes it feels like I’m so deep in God’s love, but other times it feels like I’m talking to a wall. How can I be sure that I’m praying correctly and not just blabbering mindlessly?
17. 1:13:47 {Women Unclean Twice as Long?} In Leviticus 12, women are unclean and excluded from worship in the temple after giving birth. The time is doubled if the baby is a girl, and that has troubled my wife. Do you know the reason for this?
18. 1:17:22 {About telling “White Lies”} Is there such a thing as telling a "white lie" for the benefit of something?
19. 1:21:18 {Can We Focus Too Much on End Times?} As Christians, what should our attitude and mindset be toward end times stuff? I personally know many strong Christians who seem to be almost too focused or too concerned about end times.
20. 1:23:54 {Can we Roll Dice to Hear from God?} In Proverbs 16: 33, the lot is cast into the lap, but its every decision is from the Lord. Does this mean we can roll dice to get answers from God?
Bonus Q! 1:31:18 Who do you think will win the Super Bowl on Sunday?
6 views of Revelation/end times. https://youtu.be/xmw0uVLunwU
How to understand the Old Testament law part 1 - https://youtu.be/qoGKJEENngc
How to understand the Old Testament law part 2 - https://youtu.be/Qdbg5Yj8040
How correct is Kenneth Copeland https://youtu.be/VvA5ZWDSdmo
All sin is not the same - https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Tp_lAMuX16k
This is the “Battle for the Next Generation” apologetics conference (Feb 25-26 2022). You can watch the livestream half off with this promo code "WINGER10" (only $10) http://desertapologetics.com
Here's my website with a new clip search feature for finding exactly where in a video a particular issue is addressed. https://BibleThinker.org