
Answers in Genesis

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Welcome to the Answers in Genesis YouTube Channel! We are an apologetics (Christianity-defending) ministry, dedicated to enabling Christians to defend their faith and to proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ effectively.

On our channel youā€™ll find answers to your most pressing questions about key issues like creation, evolution, science, the age of the earth, and social issues. Our desire is to train believers to develop a worldview based upon the Bible and expose the bankruptcy of evolutionary ideas and their implications.

Youā€™ll hear from top scholars such as Ken Ham, Bryan Osborne, Dr. Georgia Purdom, Dr. Nathaniel Jeanson, Tim Chaffey, Bodie Hodge, Dr. Gabriela Haynes, Dr. Terry Mortenson, and more! You wonā€™t want to miss any of our debates, talks, and teaching videos!