iBible | Episode 21: Jacob & Esau (Part 2) [RevelationMedia]
Watch as the story of Jacob and Esau from Genesis chapters 26, 27, and 28 comes to life in iBIBLE—the world’s first visual and interactive Bible. Featured in the 21st episode of iBIBLE is the story of Jacob deceiving Isaac to receive Esau’s blessing. When Isaac was old, he called for Esau to prepare wild game for him, and he would bless him. Rebekah heard their conversation, and she prepared the food, and put Esau’s clothes on Jacob. So Isaac ate the meal that Jacob brought to him, and blessed him instead of Esau. Study the Bible and enjoy the narrative presentation of God’s Word with iBIBLE.
A production of RevelationMedia, iBIBLE brings God’s Word to life in a format that people all over the world can engage with. Through dramatic audio and vibrant animation, people of all ages, all backgrounds, and with all abilities can learn the Biblical Narrative—the one cohesive story of Scripture. iBIBLE will be available for free to translate into any of the world’s 7,000+ languages. Join the movement today and help bring the true story of God’s Word to the nations for free!
Visit www.i.BIBLE to see all completed episodes of iBIBLE—a visual Bible for a visual and connected world!
Director: Steve Cleary