Your Most Common Spiritual Warfare Questions: Answered!
Have you ever had a problem in life you just can’t seem to solve? It can feel like you’ve hit a dead-end road, exhausted all of your possibilities, knocked on every door, and called everyone you know - yet still, the problem persists. This was my journey with spiritual warfare. After years of being oppressed by the illusive power of the demonic realm, I found true freedom when I acknowledged my battle was “not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places.” It is common to retreat and ignore the spiritual battle knocking at your door in an attempt to find peace and solace instead of pressing in to defeat the enemy. However, I’d propose true freedom lies in confronting the spirit realm by stepping into your inherent victorious position as sons and daughters of God. It is incumbent upon me that as believers we step up to the battle line and brave what’s been besieged by the enemy. The reward of peace rests in our resistance of the enemy, not in our retreat. It is critical that we step into our royal identity, stand firm on the battleground, and become rightful recipients of God’s protection. In the last couple of weeks, I have shared on the topic of spiritual warfare. In this week’s video blog, I answer your most commonly asked questions. #kvm #kvmblog