You gotta SHOW UP for your dreams!
(Stream the full episode here and on our TBN app!)
In this clip, Joel and Victoria Osteen, co-pastors of Lakewood Church in Houston, Texas, discuss the church's beginning. Joel Osteen began his career behind the scenes. He was a shy cameraman and edited his father's sermons for broadcast. He didn’t know he could get up in front of people and preach. But God had other plans for him!
Joel and Victoria are joined by Dodie Osteen and Daniel Floyd who offer words of encouragement in the Lord. Dodie, the matriarch of Lakewood Church, shares personal struggles of her battle with cancer and God's deliverance from it. Daniel discusses Hannah's journey of faith found in the Bible.
Our encouragement to you is: don't give up on the dreams that God has placed on your heart! You have God-given gifts and talents that are waiting to be unlocked. Stay the course and God will show you the next steps!