YWAM TV Monthly Selection | March 2020
Here are our March selections for you. We are excited to share incredible stories and teachings with you to be eyewitness together for what God is doing around the world. Let us be inspired!
♫ "Speak (Words Bring Life)" by Trent & Siobhan |
1. Update : The Send Brasil - With Teo Hayshi & Todd White
We have witnessed incredible moment in Brazil last month. More than 140,000 people attended the 12-hour event at three different stadiums! We want to recap what have happened in Brazil. Check out Lynn Green's interviews with some of the key leaders on spot!
2. Do A DTS |
The impact of DTS is great! Check out some of the stories from DTS students. And don't miss out your DTS opportunities around the world. Find your place at www.ywam.org
♫ Story Behind "Open Arms" by Daniel Lehmann |
3. From Graveyards To Vineyards - Ekballo Project |
The Northern region of India is one of the least reached fronts of the world, it’s been called the graveyard of missions by many who have gone before. The region is known for hostility towards the Gospel. But there is a team wanted to see for ourselves if there was a different report in the land.
4. How to Fundraise for Missions?
How to fundraise for mission? Olivia from YWAM Tyler shares some of our practical tips and tricks for fundraising!
5. Inside UofN - University of the Nations | 57:05
2019, YWAM Lausanne marked its Jubilee Year. This was a year we will never forget, and it is all because of someone who listened to God, obeyed, and did not quit over 50 years ago. We are looking back and remembering all that has happened in the last 50 years, and looking forward to what is to come! We know that big things are coming.
Fa from Brazil loved the Biblical Teaching and Preaching School because it was practical and gave him the confidence to communicate the way he is.
Check out the opportunities offered by the University of the Nations in 2020 - www.uofn.edu
♫ "Who You Say I Am" by YWAM Seoul Worship 예수전도단 서울 화요모임 |
6. A Day in Brown River - YWAM Medical Ships |
YWAM Medical Ships travel alongside Stine, Maria, Susanna and Maarten for a day in Papua New Guinea, engaging with the local community, providing medical care, and teaching about health and hygiene in Brown River.
7. Ukraine Story - World Without Orphans |
Adoption is so much part of the Gospel and journeying together as the body fo Christ is the solution for orphans finding a home.
8. Where the Prayer and Missions Movements Meet - The Dosas |
Adventure of Dosas family - They are an American family living in Norway. This time they visited the IHOP and YWAM in Kansas City.
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