Worth Waiting For — Dakota Duron
Jesus is both the perfect lamb and gracious King.
Palm Sunday marks the day we celebrate Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem. In his message “Worth Waiting For,” Pastor Dakota Duron shares how Jesus’ seemingly mundane arrival is actually a monumental moment.
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Section Titles
0:00 - Intro
3:21 - Matthew 21:1-9
4:47 - Worth Waiting For
12:24 - What is Palm Sunday?
16:48 - Exodus 12:2-7
17:53 - Exodus 12:12-13
18:58 - John 12:12
21:15 - John 1:29
22:21 - Hebrew 7:26
25:58 - In the mundane, Jesus was undefeated
30:25 - Who are you when no one is watching
31:08 - Honor the Mundane
33:01 - Jesus was the Passover Lamb
33:07 - Jesus was a Gracious King
33:41 - Matthew 21:2
38:08 - Our God qualify the call
39:07 - Matthew 21:8-9