Worship with Anabas Ministry in Hong Kong
This worship services is a part of the 2021 Online Calvin Symposium on Worship. It is led by Anabas Ministry in Hong Kong. #wsymp21 #cicw
English bulletin: https://storage.googleapis.com/cicw/symposium/2021/Worship%20with%20Anabase%20Ministry_eng.order%20of%20worship.pdf
Traditional Chinese bulletin: https://storage.googleapis.com/cicw/symposium/2021/Worship%20with%20Anabas%20Ministry_trad.%20chinese%20order%20of%20worship.pdf
Yvette Lau, vesper planner and leader, harpist
Billy Lam, pianist
Joshua Kan, cellist
Lorraine Yeung, clarinetist
Joanne Fung, vocal solo
Yvette Lau, Joanne Fung, Boey Cheng, Lorraine Yeung, Howard Kong, Edmond So, Joshua Kan and Billy Lam, singers
Yvette Lau, Boey Cheng and Howard Kong, scripture readers
Shirley Chan, floral artist
Pillian Cheung, bulletin designer
video produced by Basil Workshop
Cover Art: Darkness and Glory by Yvette Lau (2020)
Floral Design Concept: We can enjoy a fruitful life in the Triune God and nothing can separate us from his love.
“Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus”
Text: Helen H. Lemmel; Cantonese translation by Yvette Lau
Music: LEMMEL; Public Domain
Used by permission.
“A Mighty Fortress Is Our God”
Text: Martin Luther; Cantonese translation by Yvette Lau
Music: EIN’ FESTE BURG: Hans Sachs, adapted by Johann Walther; Public Domain
Used by permission
“Psalm 1: The Choice of Blessings”《 詩篇第一篇:有福的選擇》
Text and Music: Psalm 1; Yvette Lau; © Anabas Ministry
Used by Permission
“Psalm 13: The Joyful Song of Salvation”《 詩篇十三篇:救恩的樂歌》
Text and Music: Psalm 13; Yvette Lau; © Anabas Ministry
Used by Permission
“Love Divine, All Loves Excelling”
Text: Charles Wesley; Cantonese translation by Yvette Lau
Music: BEECHER; John Zundel; Public Domain
Used by permission.
“He Hideth My Soul”
Text: Fanny Crosby; Cantonese translation by Yvette Lau
Music: HE HIDETH MY SOUL; William J. Kirkpatrick; Public Domain;
Used by permission.
“In the Lord I’ll Be Ever Thankful”
Text and Music” Taizé Community © Taizé Community, admin. GIA Publications, Inc.; Cantonese translation by Yvette Lau
All rights reserved. OneLicense.net A-703303.