William's Story
As a boy, William lived a happy life in El Salvador, on his grandparent’s farm. But when the country was struck by civil war, William was forced to either leave his country, or fight in the war as a child.
Driven from his homeland, he sought sanctuary in America. Homesick for the country and family he was unable to return to, he faced the loneliness of living in a place where he felt he didn’t fit in.
By God’s grace, William has made a life for himself in this country, but his dream is to one day return, and live out his days in the country of his birth, the land his heart calls home.
For most of us, it’s difficult to identify with what Daniel and his friends were experiencing. What would it be like to be driven from your homeland and flung into a completely different culture, language, and identity? William’s story illustrates what it is like to live as a stranger in a foreign land. Like William, Christians are called to live in the land God leads us, even though our hearts long for the kingdom.
Produced by Willow Creative
Recorded for use by Willow Creek Community Church in South Barrington, IL.