Wicked Women of the Bible by Ann Spangler
Learn more: http://wickedwomenofthebible.com
What can Jezebel, the Bible’s wickedest queen, reveal about God’s holiness and power and even about his sense of humor? What about the Woman at the Well—the one with five husbands and a live-in lover? And what of the prostitute whose tears bathe the feet of Jesus in front of people who despise her? There are also “wicked good” women like Deborah, Ruth, Hannah, Abigail, Esther, Mary, and more. What do their lives tell us about God’s invincible love and his determined plan to save us? The stories of these women reveal a God who is not above it all but who stoops down to meet us where we are in order to extend his love and mercy.
Bestselling, award-winning author, Ann Spangler, offers a new book for all of her fans of Women of the Bible: Wicked Women of the Bible. In the vein of Bad Girls of the Bible by Liz Curtis Higgs, this book tells the stories of twenty wicked and “wicked good” women. At the end of each story, Ann provides a brief section including additional historical and cultural background as well as a brief Bible study ideal for both groups and individuals. Available everywhere books are sold, September 22, 2015.