Who God Is and Who We Are Teaching Package
You can order this teaching here: https://l.awmi.net/ytWhoGodIs
Most Christians have been taught that God is a God of wrath. But is that really true? Religious teachings and misinterpretation of the Bible have propagated a wrong impression of God, which makes it difficult to have a vibrant relationship with Him. Thankfully, God has revealed His true nature to us through His Word.
Recorded live at the 2019 Grace and Faith Conference in Telford, England, Andrew’s Who God Is and Who We Are teaching brings you the unique experience of watching Andrew teach in front of a live audience—from the comfort of your own home! In the teaching, he shows that by rightly dividing the Word of truth, you will discover who God really is and His heart toward you. In addition to Andrew’s teaching, you can also benefit from of all the life-changing teachings by the other conference speakers by getting the Grace & Faith ’19 Conference products. These teachings were a huge blessing to those in attendance and will surely bless you as well.
Let Andrew’s Who God Is and Who We Are teaching help you move beyond knowing about God to knowing His true nature and character. And as you get a revelation of who God is, you will understand who you are without Christ and, most importantly, who you are and what you have in Christ as a born-again Christian.
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