What’s it like to portray Jesus?
See the full interview on 'The Chosen' app: https://thechosen.tv/app
We haven’t shown any “behind the scenes” footage or interviews with Jonathan Roumie, the actor who plays Jesus in The Chosen. We wanted to protect from distraction the experience of watching Jesus in the show, and we recognize it’s a delicate issue for many viewers.
But recently our director Dallas sat down with Jonathan for an exclusive conversation that digs deep into the experience and pressure of portraying Jesus for a worldwide show.
Watch The Chosen on our free app: https://thechosen.tv/app
Go deeper with The Chosen Devotional: https://thechosen.tv/store
Wear The Chosen: https://www.thechosengifts.com
Get Season One on DVD or Blu-ray: https://thechosen.tv/store
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