What's Wrong With Me | Steven Furtick
What if healing means letting go?
In this message, Pastor Steven Furtick of Elevation Church shows us that blame blocks healing – and keeps us from thriving in our relationships.
This is an excerpt from “Protect The Vessel” To watch the full message, click here: https://youtu.be/rZ6wbQFbC2s
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Section Titles:
0:00 - What's Wrong With Me?
1:55 - Just Release It
3:17 - I Don't Need You To Define Me (Acts 28, verse 6; Acts 27, verses 23-24)
4:31 - There's No Power In Blame
6:00 - This Kills Relationships
7:47 - God's Gonna Use This Too
9:58 - From Pain To Power (2 Corinthians 4, verse 7)
11:28 - This Is How You Protect The Vessel (Acts 28, verse 8)
13:22 - How God Wants To Use Your Pain
15:29 - You Have To Stop Blaming Others
What's Wrong With Me | Steven Furtick