What is Reframing Ministries?
Reframing Ministries is a ministry outreach of Insight for Living Ministries (IFLM) and was founded by Pastor Chuck Swindoll's daughter, Colleen Swindoll Thompson. Originally known as the Special Needs Ministry of IFLM, it became Reframing Ministries in 2015 with the focus of providing strength for today and hope for tomorrow for caregivers and all who are dealing with unique life challenges.
🌐 For more resources from Reframing Ministries, visit https://www.ReframingMinistries.com
🎧 You can listen to Colleen's interviews with world influencers on the following podcatchers:
Apple Podcasts: https://bit.ly/rminapple
Spotify: https://bit.ly/rminspot
Stitcher: https://bit.ly/rmstitcher
Google Podcasts/Oneplace.com: https://bit.ly/rmingoogle
TuneIn: https://bit.ly/rmtunein
📲 Colleen Swindoll Thompson and Reframing Ministries social media:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/reframingministries
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/colleenswindoll/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/colleenswindoll
🎙️ For more conversations with Colleen and world influencers, visit https://reframingministries.com/videos/
✔️ Subscribe for all of Reframing’s content: https://bit.ly/SubscribeRMin
🤝 We would love your support in providing Strength for Today and Hope for Tomorrow for Caregivers and their families! Reframing Ministries is supported only by the generous gifts and donations of our listeners and viewers. You can partner with us at https://reframingministries.com/give
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