What is Christianity? (2)
The devil wants to keep all people from God. In this sermon, learn how the devil keeps people from knowing God and from knowing what true Christianity is. In this sermon from Isaiah 40:3–5 titled “What is Christianity?” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones addresses the true and living God and that the love and power of God are displayed in salvation. Discover where Christ comes into the picture and why it is vital that all have a personal relationship with Him. The Christian position is centralized around the salvation offered to them through Christ Jesus Himself. Endless blessings are given directly from God to His own children, but these blessings must come through Christ. One cannot only know about God and believe in Him while dismissing Christ. The Christian message stands absolutely alone and all other religions and cults fall short. It is only in the wisdom of God that His love is displayed in the sacrificing of His own Son. God pardons and changes the lives of those who believe. Christians are not only “good people” but a unique humility must first come so that the blessing of God may be poured out.