What Would Jesus Say To...
Watch "What Would Jesus Say To...Lance Armstrong?"
Watch "What Would Jesus Say To...Kim Kardashian?"
Watch "What would Jesus Say To...Jerry Jones?"
If Jesus were to call Kim Kardashian, LeBron James, Ellen DeGeneres, Jerry Jones, Lance Armstrong and Katy Perry to have a one-on-one conversation, what would He say to them? Jesus' love encompasses the famous and fortunate, bold and beautiful, eccentric and outspoken, and the shocking and scandalous.
We would like to invite you to a series of talks where we will look at what Jesus might say to each of these people, and through His words we will also hear what Jesus has to say to us. Join us this weekend in Dallas/Fort Worth, Miami, or Columbia, South Carolina: http://www.fellowshipchurch.com/2013. Or watch LIVE online at http://FellowshipLive.com.