What It Means to Be a Woman: We’re an Answer Not a Problem — Lisa Bevere
In celebration of #internationalwomensday, I want to remind you:
YOU are an ANSWER.
When God created Eve, He wove a daughter for His purpose, not a problem.
Lovely ones, I pray we might each REALIZE that we are TRULY FRIGHTENING to our ENEMY and that he has done everything in his power to contain us.
We must WAKE UP, RISE UP, REMEMBER who we are, and CONFRONT the evil in this world with truth and light.💜
Watch the entire sermon here: https://youtu.be/FjxbfyKjq_I
#lisabevere #lisabeveresermon #preacher #minister #internationalwomensday #womensrights #feminism #feminity #masculinity #identity #radicalfaith #purpose #calling #unity #sermon #truth #findyourself #thetrueyou #transformation #fearless #strong #strongwomen
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