Week of Prayer Day 2 | Our Father
“Our Father, Who is in heaven, Holy is Your name.”—Matthew 6:9
Summary: Matthew 6:9 is the moment Jesus teaches his disciples and us how to pray, first showing us how we approach God, our Father. We approach Him with honor and adoration, recognizing that we are in a divine relationship with our holy God.
Heather explains today that though Moses presented God as our good Father, Jesus was the revelation of God as our good Father. The difference between presentation and revelation is an encounter.
The word Jesus used for God our Father was the word “pater,” or “Abba,” which literally translates to “dada,” the name a baby uses, the most innocent and dependent view a person could have. When we approach God as Father, Abba, dada, we are completely trusting that He is who he says He is, that He will provide, and He is good.
Question: Who is God, and what does His name mean to you?
Often, we view our relationship with God the Father through the lens of our relationship with our earthly fathers. When you think of God as your Father, what kind of image does that bring to mind?
Prayer Starter: If the above question brought up any kind of pain or regret, can you take a moment to lift that before your good, kind Father God who passionately loves you and desires to heal those memories and places of your heart? Invite Him to bring healing as you choose to pray, “God, I forgive my dad (or stepdad) for _______, and I release those memories to You. What do You have for me in exchange?” God’s Word promises that He always trades up! (See Isaiah 61:3). Write down what you sense God is telling or showing you, and tell a friend about it.