Weak in the Faith (2)
Within the family of God are those who are strong in their understanding of the Christian faith and those who are weak in their understanding of the faith. The church is made up of some who are more mature and some who are less mature. This diversity within the body of Christ can lead to problems as matters of opinion arise. While the world might say getting one’s way or winning the argument is the most important goal during a disagreement, the apostle Paul offers a different vision for the church, particularly for the strong in faith. In this sermon on Romans 14:1–4 titled “Weak in Faith (2),” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones instructs how to engage the weak in faith over indifferent, albeit important, matters to the Christian life. The weak in faith are part of the family of God, reminds Dr. Lloyd-Jones, and need to be instructed in their thinking. The way the strong instruct them makes a considerable difference and they must distinguish between a Christian discussion and an uncontrolled argument. A Christian discussion must demonstrate self-controlled dialogue which shows love and patience towards a brother or sister in Christ. Listen as Dr. Lloyd-Jones challenges the contemporary church in family disputes.