We Are Media Missionaries
Media. This medium:
Curated, created, constructed, and colluded,
To communicate. To influence. To connect.
And entertain.
With ease, with speed.
Over 7 billion people yearning to connect, yearning to be fed,
Always looking out for whatever’s cool, whatever’s funny, whatever’s trending, whatever’s viral, not
realizing we’ve all been infected with this virus that is fatal.
The medium is the message,
Chaos in this era, in this “mess” age,
But are we receiving The message?
Like a soldier on a mission
An important delegation
To spread, deliver, some thing amidst the clutter
That selfie that needs to get a hundred likes faster than the shutter
Programmed to scroll up and down like a machine,
Not focusing what’s really beyond our screen,
To be able to argue anonymously, defending all our opinions, all our theories
Too busy looking for our next favorite TV series
To blind ourselves
From what we really need
That one thing to fill that other thing we call the void
That deep inside, we are all hurting
We all have weakness, all our standards have been reverting,
That in spirit and in truth, we need to be cared for, to be tended to, to be looked after
But with all these influx of images,
Emails, and text messages
There has been ONE message that was sent to us like a missionary
The ONE message that means ‘unconditional’ in the dictionary
Social media, where in shallowness is constantly being celebrated
That One message brings depth and it’s where optimism is reinstated
Where mainstream news is fueled by entertainment that is backwards,
The One message brings the good news of hope forward.
When the message is replaced for ratings, when we are all constantly blaming, constantly naming, yet
no one is really looking
Where superficial perfection is advocated everywhere we look,
It’s our weakness and imperfection: that’s beauty we should not overlook
Where inauthentic highlight reels and spotlights are the facades we always see,
What really matters are the genuine moments that go on behind the scenes.
Where fast cars and fast food can momentarily keep you satisfied,
There’s that ONE message that can make all your transgressions nullified
When everything is constantly moving, constantly changing,
There is ONE thing that will not change
The ONE thing, both the cause and effect of that beautiful exchange,
One thing that will outlast our lives
One thing that lasts longer than time itself
One thing that knows no bounds, no status, no color.
One thing that will never lose value over time,
One thing that is worth much more than money, more than fame
One thing that screams, love, hope, joy, peace, and affection, that One thing has a Name.
As missionaries, we are here to share that ONE Name: JESUS – that only name that can redeem any
past or shame.
Using the ease and speed of media to spread light to the lost,
To communicate. To influence. To inform. To connect……To love. We are, Media Missionaries.