Was AOC the Only Victim of the Capitol Riots? | Ep 362
We start off today with a clarification regarding the COVID-19 vaccine and the use of fetal cells to develop it. Also, we discuss AOC's recent Instagram livestream, where she revealed she is a survivor of sexual assault. And, BLM is nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize ... really?
Today's sponsor:
Annie's Kit Clubs: You can save 75% off your first shipment at AnniesKitClubs.com/ALLIE
National Review: The Facts about the COVID Vaccines and Fetal Cell Lines: https://bit.ly/3tknRNQ
NYP: Black Lives Matter is nominated for a Nobel peace prize https://bit.ly/3cGg7zX
Fox News: BLM faces revolt as local chapters allege power grab, murky finances https://fxn.ws/3tn5Myw
DC Area Educators for Social Justice: BLM 13 Guiding Principles https://bit.ly/2Ldk5oh
Past Episodes:
Ep 360 | Scientism, COVID & the Vaccine https://youtu.be/wxxsSr346fY
Ep 305 | Breonna Taylor: Truth in Love https://youtu.be/eCpJmVinKa4
Ep 301 | When Lies Spread Like Wildfire https://youtu.be/yHejKRD4V8U
Ep 286 | How the Church Should Respond to Black Lives Matter https://youtu.be/ZDeFuA12IqE
Ep 280 | The Madness Ravaging America's Cities https://youtu.be/2qi3GE0ieEY
Ep 272 | Which Black Lives Matter? https://youtu.be/MbwYSCsZxXM
Ep 258 | Does the Truth Matter? https://youtu.be/6QMmhrTwPmQ
► Buy Allie's book, "You're Not Enough (& That's Okay): Escaping the Toxic Culture of Self-Love": https://alliebethstuckey.com/book
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