Understanding Islam in the West
This conversation provides a brief look into the world of Christianity and Islam through the eyes of Islamic expert Dr. J. Dudley Woodberry of Fuller Theological Seminary.
2:12 Defining Islam and Muslim
3:30 Social and political factors that God seems to be using providentially to allow the message of Christ to be communicated in lands known for their Islam orientation
4:32 Understanding the nature of Islam today and the complexity of Muslim faith
5:33 The basic sects of Islam
7:25 Is the missionary (destructive) outburst of Islam today a different type?
9:29 Basic elements of Islamic faith
14:10 Orthodox Muslims vs Folk Muslims
17:35 What is it like to work on a committee that is seeking ways to procure peace and well-being between Christians and Muslims? What progress have you seen?
19:50 The place of evangelism in relationship to a peaceful co-existence
22:17 Why are so many Muslims angry?
25:10 The perceived relationship between the West and Christianity
28:20 How has missions to Muslims changed over the last 20 years?
30:48 The single biggest factor to have a positive impact on Muslims
32:59 How serious is the agenda of Fundamental Islams to eliminate Christians and Jews from the land?
38:19 What bridges can be drawn between Christianity and Islam?
40:02 Advice to be an effective witness to those not receptive to Christianity
42:53 Final Remarks