Two Lines of History
According to Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones in this sermon on Acts 5:29-32 titled “Two Lines of History,” history can be divided into two categories: the history of humanity and history of God. In the history of humanity, world peace and cooperation are the ultimate goal. This is to be brought about through human means such as education, government, and moral teaching, and these means seek to bring the world to perfection. The other history is that of God and at the center of His story is the crucified and risen Savior, Jesus Christ. He establishes the kingdom of God by His blood and kingship. He will reign over all history as God’s only begotten Son, the prince of peace. In Christ the futility of all the so-called kingdoms of the world is seen, for they are established on nothing but the vain wisdom of the world. This is in contrast to the kingdom of God that is established by the blood of Christ. All must repent of their sins and believe upon the only Son of God who died upon the cross so that sinners could have life.