Torn But Trusting | Pastor Steven Furtick | Elevation Church
It’s not over, you’re just in between.
In “Torn But Trusting,” Pastor Steven challenges us not to fixate on what’s next, but to let God bless us right where we are now.
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See what God can do through you. This is the vision of Elevation Church, led by Pastor Steven Furtick and based in Charlotte, NC with multiple locations throughout the US and Canada.
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0:00 - Elevation Nights, West Coast Edition!
0:52 - Wrestling With God
8:31 - It's Just Fake Fall
12:21 - Dealing With In Between Things
15:17 - I'm Torn
18:56 - Living Distracted
21:33 - Blessings Happen In Between
24:20 - I'm In Between!
27:32 - For Everyone Who Is Torn
31:14 - God Is Trying To Meet You In Between
34:03 - Where The Blessing Is
36:01 - Torn Between Good Things
38:52 - What Should I Let Go Of?
42:34 - I Can't Believe I Never Saw This Before
45:15 - Touched By God
48:13 - You Can't Outrun God's Plan
51:36 - It's Not Over, You're Just In Between
54:06 - Trust Through The Tearing
Scripture References:
Genesis 32, verses 21-32
Genesis 33, verses 1-4
Romans 8, verse 31
Hebrews 11, verse 21
Torn But Trusting | Pastor Steven Furtick | Elevation Church