To Heal the Broken-Hearted
In this sermon on Luke 4:18 titled “To Heal the Broken-Hearted,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones discusses the disease in humankind—sin. This disease has many symptoms, and there are numerous manifestations of sin. “Do you regard this gospel as the greatest good news you have ever heard?” One must know they are sick if they are going to be healed. “Sin is something that leads to a broken-hearted condition.” Christ’s coming does judge, but He did not come only to judge. He brought salvation and healing. How does Christ heal and what does salvation contain? Listen as Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones proclaims the word of the ultimate physician. Christ came because humanity was a failure. Christ came not only to offer comfort, but to cure people of the disease of sin and reconcile His people to God. “You are not healed by Christ if you are not rejoicing.” This perfect and complete work turns ashes into beauty and the listener is encouraged to not rest until they are clothed with the pure white garments of Christ.