Thinking Well Panel | Hillsong Worship & Creative Conference 2019
This powerful session explores mental health, living in your calling and creating for God and with God with 16 professionals from theology, to psychology, to creative artists. This session at Hillsong Worship & Creative Conference 2019 was hosted by Ben Fielding and Chrishan Jeyaratnam and on the bench was Joel Houston, Pastor Robert Fergusson, Taya Gaukrodger, Laura Toggs, Pastor Phil Dooley, Pastor Gary Clarke, and more.
Hillsong Worship & Creative Conference is a two-day/three-night gathering of the creatively gifted ones, the prophets and the poets, the artisans and the producers, humbly hosted by Hillsong Creative.
Expressed through Co-Labs, innovative circles of thought leaders, small and large gatherings and Midnight Massive, friendships will be forged, together telling the story of Jesus and making creativity the centre of God’s church today.
For more information visit:
#tayagaukrodger #joelhouston #garyclarke #lauratoggs #phildooley #wcc #worship #creative #hillsong