Think, Act, and Be Like Jesus - Bible Study Series by Randy Frazee - Promo
What you believe drives your life.
God’s desire is for you to think like Jesus so you can act like Jesus and ultimately be like Jesus. This process begins with the transformation of your thoughts—for the way you behave, the habits you form, and the character that defines you are all driven by what you believe.
The Believe Bible Study Series helps you answer three questions: What do I believe and why does it matter? How can I put my faith into action? Am I becoming the person God wants me to be? As you journey through this series, whether in a group or on your own, one simple truth will become undeniably clear: what you believe drives everything.
Think Like Jesus, Act Like Jesus, and Be Like Jesus are the three 8-session studies that comprise the Believe Bible Study Series. The studies dive into the essential teaching, practices, and values of the Christian life. They work well independently but also compliment one another. Each one is ideal for small group or personal study and can help you engage the Bible in new and fresh ways to grow deeper in your faith.
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