Their Opinions Don't Matter | Steven Furtick
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In “Their Opinions Don’t Matter,” Pastor Steven Furtick of Elevation Church reminds us that God chooses people differently than we do.
This is an excerpt from “Reputation Rehab.” To watch the full message, click here:
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Section Titles:
0:00 - Seeing Yourself In A New Light
2:19 - You Can't Protect Your Reputation
5:07 - This Is The Kind of Reputation I Want To Build
7:36 - Believing The Wrong Report
9:30 - You Don't Need Too Many Opinions (Joshua 2, verse 1)
11:50 - God Uses Who He Wants To Use (Joshua 2, verse 1)
13:39 - The Devil Doesn't Waste Bullets
15:06 - You Have A Reputation With God
Their Opinions Don’t Matter | Steven Furtick