The Wizard of Oz Full Movie | Cartoon Movie For Kids | English Fairy Tales & Bedtime Story | 4k UHD
Watch amazing Animated Fairy Tales playlist including Little Red Riding Hood, Three Little Pigs, Rapunzel, The Gingerbread Man, Sleeping Beauty, Snow White, Goldilocks & The Three Bears and many more -
There once was an old wizard of oz. who loved to do nothing. He lived in a faraway castle with a frog and a dog.
One day the wizard got invited to a dance with the princess. He asked the frog what to wear and the frog said a dirty old rag. The dog said a beautiful yellow dress.
The wizard said I like the rag idea but I love the beautiful yellow dress idea the dog said woof then the wizard said where will I get the beautiful yellow dress from? The dog said I’ll order one okay.
So the dog went to the old phone and ordered the yellow dress the wizard was so excited then the dog came back from the phone and said it will be here this afternoon so they waited and waited until they heard a knock on the door.
It was the beautiful yellow dress. Then he tried it on and it was a little too small so he told the dog. And dog said I order the second biggest one so the dog got on the phone and order. The biggest one there was. It got there 1 hour later and he tried it on and it fitted perfectly so they stepped out. The door and walked to the dance. As they were walking down the path the princes chased them to her horrible looking house.
When they got there she said you can be my slaves. So the wizard/dog and frog. Tried to get out the door but it crept on creeping so then they tried the window they escaped and it was a very scary place on the window there was all sized spiders and dirt.
Then they were back on the green path. As he was walking he met a little girl. He said what is your name is. She said Dorothy then the wizard said do you want to walk back home with me and Dorothy said sure thing.
When they got back they sat down and had a cup of tea and a biscuit but Dorothy wanted a cup of coffee. Then played monopoly while the frog played in the pond and the dog played with his bone.
The princess was kept in her room by her mother and father after woods. The mother and father came over and said sorry for what my daughter did.
And they lived happily ever after.
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