The Wisdom of the Wise
Everyone needs to consider what is their greatest need. Is it health, fitness, employment, love? Do these desires distract them from their need for God? Throughout history, humanity cycles through philosophies to explain away their need for God and declare their own intellectual superiority. In this sermon on Isaiah 5:21 titled “The Wisdom of the Wise,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones points out that these philosophies are recycled like clothes that go in and out of style and fashion. There is no truly new philosophy. Moreover, he points out that any philosophy that leads to saying “there is no God” is foolish and is a copy of the first sin in the garden of Eden. In fact, he points out that wherever humanity says “I know best,” they are in danger of repeating the sin of Adam and Eve. This kind of intellectual and moral superiority is not only false, but also dangerous. When a person tries to solve their problems with intellect, they may solve some bodily ailments, but cannot repair the state of their own soul. The Christian should consider if they are caught up with fixing their own problems and if these “solutions” distract them from Christ and the salvation that He provides. Sin is the greatest ailment and Christ is the only remedy.